12款医疗类相关网页设计,除了医疗相关的分类,咨询服务,预约管理等功能外,数据处理、日期管理等也是必备的,一起来看看这12款页面参考一下吧。 Medico App - For Doctors and Patients by Dharmesh Nayak Doctor appointment by Ferdous Islam HealthX Practitioner's Po
A health care system that offers equitable access to basic health care services is only viable when both patients and physicians realize that the interests of the individual patient and of the social system must be balanced. This implies that patients do not have a right to the most effective ...
For hands-on ultrasound skills development, students have regularly scheduled required ultrasound laboratory sessions (5–6 per semester) in which they scan standardized patients under the supervision of a preceptor. Students also have opportunities to develop their scanning skills during “open” voluntar...
融合营养健康知识进行“数据驱动的个性化营养健康管理”,DAIR Lab针对营养健康知识图谱提出了DAIR-Health个性化营养健康管理技术框架,包含“营养健康知识挖掘”、“针对营养健康场景的检索增强预训练模型”以及“面向营养健康管理的可解释个性化推荐”核心模块。