ITZY is in the midst of their massive Born to Be World Tour, and the group stopped by Billboard‘s studios to discuss the run with host Tetris Kelly. “The energy and the vibe was so great,” Ryujin shared. “For me, the last tour was learning and this tour was using it...
(Credit: Big Planet Made) Bandmate Taemin, meanwhile, uploaded the music video for “Horizon” on Wednesday. The upbeat dance tune fronted his fifth solo EP “Eternal” along with “Sexy In The Air.” The album came out last month, and the musician launched his first solo tour with a t...
拥有华丽的表演及扎实唱功的"舞台匠人"ITZY最近在14个城市间展开了共17场规模盛况空前的首次世界巡演"ITZY THE 1ST WORLD TOUR <CHECKMATE>",与全世界的粉丝们共同留下了珍贵的回忆。今年8月在首尔奥林匹克公园SK奥林匹克手球竞技场正式拉开了序幕,开售之际所有场次门票全部售罄。美洲巡演以当地...
Ryujin also spoke about the powerful dance performances for which ITZY has come to be known. “Before I go on stage, I try to channel even my nervousness into energy,” she revealed. “I think our dance performances are defined by our ability to also sing live a...