error -50 打开iTunes -- 编辑 -- 偏好设置 -- 家长控制 -- iTunes Store这一项勾选(把 允许访问iTunes U 这一项也勾选)-- 确定。 这时iTunes Store会自动访问iTunes U,关闭iTunes。 重开iTunes,回到家长控制把之前勾选的两项取消,回iTunes Store登陆去吧,-50已经解决了!
error -50 打开iTunes -- 编辑 -- 偏好设置 -- 家长控制 -- iTunes Store这一项勾选(把 允许访问iTunes U 这一项也勾选)-- 确定。 这时iTunes Store会自动访问iTunes U,关闭iTunes。 重开iTunes,回到家长控制把之前勾选的两项取消,回iTunes Store登陆去吧,-50已经解决了!
Are you searching the internet for ways to fix iTunes error 50? If so, it would be easy. This post will broaden your knowledge on how to fix iTunes error 50.
iTunes Error code -50 or iTunes Error code -9836. It claims that there is an error in the iTunes Store (as shown in the photo below) and to try again later. I tried everything I know to rid myself of this problem but no luck. This problem also occurs when I am simply trying...
Now I can’t sign into the iTunes Store it keeps giving me error -50 try again later now I have tried everything yet nothing works. I have a really old iPhone that I was planning to use for music but I can’t sync anything because everything I have is not authorized. It won’t...
电信屏蔽了App Store waiyazi 初级粉丝 1 是我自己摸索出来的,其实很简单,你把Bonjour服务重新启动一下就好了,(重启方法:我是xp系统,点开始-设置-控制面板-管理工具-服务-把Bonjour服务重新启动一下就好了),还是不行 看下呢电脑下面的系统时间是不是对的不对改过来后。ok,完美解决。 静谧M虹 初级粉丝 1 ...
如果Apple服务器已关闭,则您可能还会遇到“我们无法完成iTunes Store请求”错误消息。 因此,请检查Apple System. 接下来,重新启动iTunes应用程序并将其更新到最新版本。 然后,完全关闭iTunes,然后重新启动。 2#阻止饼干(在Mac上) 关iTunes, 发射Safari然后点击SafariPreferences ...
管理你在 iTunes Store 和 Apple Books 上的内容。 进一步了解 iTunes Connect
Download the latest version from the Microsoft Store.The latest entertainment apps now come installed with the latest macOS. Upgrade today to get your favorite music, movies, TV shows, and podcasts. You can join Apple Music and stream — or download and play offline — millions of songs, ad...
第一次上传,卡在一直卡在authenticating with the iTunes Store,取消后第二次上传,出现An error occurred uploading to the iTunes Store google了一下,发现解决办法: 第一步:打开终端,输入 cd~ 第二步:移动Transporter目录 mv.itmstransporter/.old_itmstransporter/ ...