如果你看到“无法连接”信息、App 无法载入任何内容,或者内容停止下载,请了解该怎么做。 如果你无法连接到以下任一 App 或服务,请尝试这些步骤: App Store Apple Arcade Game Center Apple 账户卡片 Apple Books Apple Music Apple Fitness+ Apple 播客
打开Apple Music App。 轻点照片 。 轻点“账户设置”。 输入Apple账户密码。 轻点“隐藏的已购项目”。如果找到了相应的音乐,你可以: 下载音乐:轻点歌曲旁边的“下载”按钮 。 取消隐藏音乐:轻点“全部取消隐藏”可查看你已购买的音乐,但不会将音乐下载到你的设备。
1 首先,iCloud音乐资料库可以很方便的在登录同一个Apple ID的不同设备中查看音乐,由于iTunes Store中没有音乐购买,服务器传输慢等问题,这个功能并没有什么用但是在使用Apple Music的离线歌曲时,必须开启这个功能所以,如果你没有使用Apple Music的打算,可以按照下面的步骤关闭,如果想用离线功能,又想用iTunes...
Now if that doesn't help, the next step is to follow the section in this article that says, "If you still can't restart your downloads, try these steps": If music, movies, or TV shows from the iTunes Store, Apple Music app, or Apple TV app stop downloading Following these steps ...
Music not downloading to iTunes on computer. I downloaded a song to my iPad from Apple but when I sync to my computer it won't download to the iTunes that I have on it. For what it's worth the song disappears to a playlist I have it added it to when I try and sync it to. ...
经历了一整个下午的摸索发现跟本地音乐的格式无关,我使用的MP3格式,看了网上教程改为m4a也没有用处。 最有用的办法是挂梯子,但由于自己pc端没有梯子,用手机挂热点也成功传上了一首,另一首没能成功(对,我今…
在itunes中点击itunes store, 会自动跳转到itunes U,这是因为我们设置的原因。选择你的ipad,点击"同步"进行一次同步在itunes的最上边的菜单栏,找到"编辑",在下拉菜单框里选择“偏好设置”在弹窗中,找到“家长”,然后取消勾选"禁用-itunes store" ,然后点击确认。. 强制同步后,在ipad上就...
如何在 iPhone、iPad 或安卓设备上从 Apple Music 下载音乐 打开“音乐”App。 向你的资料库中添加歌曲、专辑或播放列表。 添加歌曲、专辑或播放列表后: 轻点专辑或播放列表顶部的“下载” 。 轻点歌曲旁边的“更多” ,然后轻点“下载”。 如何在 Mac 或 PC 上从 Apple Music 下载音乐 ...
I have recently joined iMazing and set to transferring some gorgeous classical music onto my iPhone, Absolutely Amazing - everything went so unbelievably easily and lightening fast. Having had to sync everything back and forth with iTunes the move to iMazing is an absolute pleasure. Everything...
Apple made downloading music and videos on iPhone/iPad overly complicated. We've got 5 surprisingly easy ways to download music on iPhone without iTunes. Check the post and try these steps.