如果你备份了 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch,那么当你遇到设备更换、丢失或损坏情形时,就有信息副本可供使用。 在Mac 上打开“访达”,或在 PC 上打开Apple 设备 App。如果你的 PC 上没有安装 Apple 设备 App,或者你的 Mac 使用的是 macOS Mojave 或更早版本,请改为打开iTunes。
在Mac 上打开“访达”,或在 PC 上打开“Apple 设备”App。如果你的 PC 上没有安装“Apple 设备”App,或者你的 Mac 使用的是 macOS Mojave 或更早版本,请改为打开 iTunes。 使设备保持连接并耐心等待,直到出现“连接到电脑”屏幕: 在iPhone 8 或更新机型(包括 iPhone SE(第 2 代及更新机型))上:按下调...
iTunes for Windows Hardware: PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor with support for SSE2 and 512MB of RAM To play standard-definition video from the iTunes Store, an Intel Pentium D or faster processor, 512MB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0–compatible video card is required ...
之后的Restore按钮,就更加强大了,如下图所示:通过它,你甚至可以将备份中的单个文件恢复到iPhone,或者是将备份中修改过的文件恢复到iPhone。这里大家可能很奇怪,修改过的文件指的是什么? 在iBackupBot中集成了非常有用的修改工具,一个可以用来修改备忘录,你可以方便的将大量文字加入备份中的备忘录中,然后运用这里的恢...
了解如何安全地抹掉 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上的信息并将设备恢复为出厂设置。 如果你还需要安全地抹掉 Apple Watch,你可以按照以下步骤取消配对你的设备。 备份你的设备 请确保备份你的设备,以便你可以稍后恢复数据。 抹掉设备 轻点“抹掉所有内容和设置”。
When it comes to iTunes Error 21 (iPhone Error 21), the most common causes include: USB Connection Issues: Unstable or damaged USB connections can lead to communication errors between the iPhone and the computer during the restore or update process. Outdated iTunes Version: Using an outdated ...
I took a full backup of my mobile iphone X yesterday for doing some test, after that I tried 2 times to do restore, but it ends with error. I found a weird behavior from itunes and windows machine, the disk of my laptop is getting full !! now the backup file size is 60GB, and...
Today I’ll be briefly discussing a couple of simple options for you to restore iPhone in recovery mode with iTunes andrestore iPhone without iTunes. 1. Restore iPhone in Recovery Mode with iTunes (All Data Erased) 2. How to Restore iPhone without iTunes in Recovery Mode (No Data...
New iphone8 cant restore backup of iphone6s (12.4.1) using itunes I purchased a new iphone8 last week from the apple store in sydney, and backed up my iphone6s which was on 12.4.1 using the latest itunes onto Windows10 PC on 19th Sept. When I transferred the SIM to the new iphone...