8.1版本 在itunes无法备份,因为iphone已断开连接。 因为你是越狱设备 所以会影响 用别的比如pp助手 或者同步推等备份 我们在电脑中定位到:C:/ProgramData/ itunes提示“无法备份iphone,因为发生了一个错误”怎么回事? 您好,iTunes提示“无法备份iPhone,因为发生了一个错误”是由于连接异常导致的。 1、将 iPhone手机...
到 控制面板-卸载程序(添加删除程序) 中彻底卸载iTunes及其相关组件 卸载顺序:1、iTunes 2、QuickTime 3、Apple Software Update 4、Apple Mobile Device Support 5、Bonjour 6、Apple 应用程序支持 能找到的都卸载,找不到的不用管,然后重启下电脑,重新安装苹果官网下载的最新版iTunes ...
进入dfu的方法:1.iphone 连接电脑,然后关机;2.按住开机键不松开,等待出现白苹果图标;3.白苹果出现时,马上按住home键,记住这时不能松开开机键;4.等待白苹果消失后,继续按住home键,同时松开开机键;5.继续按住home键,直到系统提示找到新硬件为止,这是松开home键,即进入黑屏的dfu模式。(注:...
What is iTunes error 0xe8000015? What are the causes and how to fix it? Theunknown error occurred (0xe8000015)popup appears when you connect your iPhone, or iPad ...See all Solutions(17) Add a new solution Get alerted of new solutions ...
When you receive iTunes error 0xe8000015 while connecting iPhone/iPad to desktop, try these solutions to fix it without hassle!
Then I was tried to update and restore by itunes in recover Mode, it was download 2.43 GB ios 11 data and "updated and restore" my phone but nothing happen, when i connect itune by cable its not connect my phone, "0xE8000015" code error show in Itune thats why i can't active pho...
Situation 1: iTunes could not connect to this iPhone because an unknown error occurred (0xE8000015) An unknown error or a “0xE” error always indicates that iTunes on your Mac or PC doesn't recognize your connected iPhone. When you are facing this issue, follow the steps below and try...
iphone7已停用,有没有办法在恢复之前备份数据啊。。连接itunes显示0xE8000015错误 湖人总冠軍 了解苹果 3 兄弟,你的弄好了吗 摆渡以下子 初识苹果 1 我也中招了,你是怎么遇到这情况的,反正我没输错密码,只是重启就中了 多多小管家 忠实果粉 10 备份不了只能刷机或者用查找抹掉 登录...