1.关闭iTunes软件 2.打开C盘,点击菜单栏“查看”,将“隐藏的项目”前面打上勾。 3.打开文件夹C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes,会出现两个文件夹,分别是adi和SC Info。全部选择后直接删除。接着重启电脑即可。发布于 2024-04-30 12:01・IP 属地山东...
苹果iTunes提示不能播放或下载歌曲,显示未知错误(-45061)?别急,解决方法其实很简单!首先,操作步骤的第一步就是关闭iTunes软件。接着,打开电脑的C盘,点击菜单栏中的“查看”选项,记得将“隐藏的项目”前面的小勾打上,这样能帮助你发现隐藏的文件。然后,打开文件夹C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\...
用户级别:级别 1 4 积分
神困局特工作者 用户级别:级别 1 4 积分
(-45061) Can I get some trouble shooting tips? (On Windows 10) 4 years ago 558 1 When I try to open my itunes I get an error message ( missing ApplePushDirect.dll) I have a lot of music and can not get to it. How do I repair this ? When I try to open my itunes I ...
(-45061) Can I get some trouble shooting tips? (On Windows 10) 4 years ago 543 1 When I try to open my itunes I get an error message ( missing ApplePushDirect.dll) I have a lot of music and can not get to it. How do I repair this ? When I try to open my itunes I ...