“No, the Fed handed out $4.5 trillion in cash (credits) to investors, via the primary dealers, in exchange for securities. ” Okay, thanks! This is weird — in addition to the mosaic of stimmies handed out to average persons, the Fed buys securities from organizations / people who ...
Saving, waiting and not buying has been the best thing for me. My net worth increased over the last few years tremendously thanks to not buying high and smart investments. I could not imagine how it must feel to tie your hard earned money to an overinflated house just to see it crash ...
netflix 《雖然是精神病但沒關係》護士「南朱里」 護士南朱里(朴珪瑛飾)與超直白追愛的女主角高文英(徐睿知飾)個性不同,她想盡辦法想讓高文英遠離文鋼太,同時默默付出關心,不時因溫柔的臉蛋讓人覺得她追愛無望很可憐! 更多《雖然是精神病但沒關係》追劇重點廣告...