The birefringence film and its productionPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a thin birefringent film whose refractive index is three-dimensionally controlled.宮▲ザキ▼ 順三松田 祥一長塚 辰樹
(SEM) that is used to measure the compositions typically has a spatial resolution of 0.5–2 μ m, and thus mainly reflects the bulk composition, the composition characteristics of edge of the difference between Nbubl3kSndilfafyuesrios nasadnedscgrriabiendbaobuonvdeacrayndbifefuesxipolnai...
Fiingunriter o5gAendissaptluaryaetdedthpahtoaspllhfaatberbicuaftfeiorendpsroolucetisosno(fPSBiOS)2-aMt ans3c(aPnOr4a)t2e/ of 100 mV·s−1. In the working potential range of 0–0.9 V, there was no electrochemical signal can be observed at WothbehvbeionaurteshlGye CoMbEWs(ecCru...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a photosensitive film capable of realizing a stereoscopic image display device capable of drastically relieving the inclination of the face and the limitation of the positions of both eyes.NISHIGUCHI KENJI西口 憲治...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To improve easy adhesion and eliminate thickness irregularities by applying an easily adherent coating on one of the faces of a polyester film whose ratio of a peak strength in the longitudinal direction of a biaxially oriented polyester film and a peak strength in the ...
A composite film comprising a first layer comprising a polyolefin resin containing finely divided calcium carbonate dispersed therein and a surface layer comprising a polyolefin resin containing an acidic filler dispersed therein, which surface layer is bonded directly or indirectly to at least one ...
Superconducting film and its formation mannerプラベインチヤウダーリリチヤードジヨセフガンビーノロジヤーヒルセンコークジエームズアンドリユーレイシーロバートベンジヤミンライボウイツツジヨセフマイケルビギアーノ
Application film formation manner and its devicePROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To enable an apparatus to be miniaturized and film thickness to be uniform precisely.白石 雅敏木場 幸生緒方 久仁恵
PURPOSE: To provide a film-shaped filter of excellent performance by providing a second metal excellent in corrosion resistance and a third metal excellent in conductivity and corrosion resistance over an insulating plastic film in sequence, using an organic material as a binder thereon, etching ...