Another month elapsed before VS agreed to resume antipsychotic medication and engage with his primary clinician in developing a treatment plan that focused on his goals of returning to community college and finding part-time employment. He remains unwilling, six months later, to explicitly acknowledge...
College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Changyang Zhou, Yidi Sun, Yajing Liu & Xinde Hu CAS Key Laboratory of Systems Biology, CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biolog...
I can tell you that eventually you do learn the fine art of holding your tongue, but it will never come easy. That sweet, loyal, smart, cunning and unmatched yellow dog who grips your college-aged heart will never let go. She will protect you, and then your children, for nearly 15 ...
As the “Asian miracle”continues to unfold, perhaps the most intriguing—and least understood—of the region’s fast-growing economies is South Korea. During the four decades following the Korean War, it evolved from one of the most abject states in the region to one of the most vibrant, ...
Thus, when leaders are good, this will provide an organizational atmosphere that encourages creativity, which is reflected specifically on the college and the university in general [13]. The performance of universities depends on the leadership of faculties, and there is no doubt that leading facult...
(ASEAN), the High Commission against Child Poverty, the High Sports Council, the General College of Professional Associations of Physical Education and Sports, and the Departments of Education and/or Health and/or Sports of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions. The CIBEROBN and the CIBERESP are ...
Archer Wills tackles projects world- wide and has taught regularly at Chelsea Physic Garden, Inchbald School of Design, Plumpton College and Kew Gardens. He has also lectured at the New York Botanical Garden and at the universities of Miami, Cambridge, York and Durham as well as for the ...
On this point, note the opinion of Harold Perkin, who has made a wide-ranging study of ‘professional society’ in the modern world. Perkin claims that the Soviet Union was ‘in some ways the first professional society. If that society is defined as the rise to dominance of the professiona...
The American College of Occupational and Environmental Health will offer M.R.O. training; the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses will offer D.O.T. medical examiner training; and RYAN Associates will offer its classic "Core Components for Profitable Occupational Health Programs" pre-...
wages, the imposition of a mountain of debt on college students, and similar measures are now widely recognized to have contributed to the steady erosion of the incomes and life prospects for the middle class and working people in the U.S.A. Thus, glowing hopes for “innovation” are all ...