Following these assessments on Day 14, the rats were euthanized under anesthesia, with both eyes collected for histological examination. OCT and fundus imaging After anesthetization in the isoflurane induction chamber, the rats were carefully transferred to the experiment table, and their body ...
Full size table 2.2 HTL experiments The experimental setup used to conduct HTL reactions consisted of a batch stainless steel reactor (SS-304) with a capacity of 1.3 L. A band heater was wrapped around the reactor vessel, and a K-type thermocouple connected to a temperature controller was pla...
Table 1. Crystal data of reported α-SrSi2,β-SrSi2 and other phases with the same structure but different Sr-Si composition ratios [34], [35], [36]. Empty Cell Empty Cell Empty Cell Empty Cell Empty Celllattice parameter (Å) Empty Cell Empty Cell Si at. %phasetypespace grouplatt...
The average weights were used for the ECR calculation. 2.2. LOCA Experiments On the surface of “temperature measuring specimens” which are oxidized together with test specimens in each oxidation case, a K-type thermocouple was attached by high-temperature adhesive to measure specimen temperature. ...
The temperature was controlled using a type-K thermocouple positioned at the top of the catalytic bed inside of the quartz reactor and a PID controller. To avoid reaction of the thermocouple with feed gas, the thermocouple was shielded by quartz sheath. Prior to propane dehydrogenation reaction, ...
Table 1 P-values of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) showing the effects of block (random factor), water addition (W), fungicide application (F-), year (Y) and their interactions on soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC, mg kg−1 soil) and nitrogen (DON, mg kg−1 soil), soil...
isotopic-ratios of used for the analysis was a RM-60 Micro imately ninety-five percent of the elements elements in naturally occurring substances Roentgen Radiation Monitor [from Aware on the periodic table In addition, if any is considered to be a constant, and well Electronics, New Jersey]....
2). For microclimate measurement, we prepared one set of meteorological sensors: a fine T-type thermocouple for Ta, a thin-film capacitive sensor for h (HMP110, Vaisala, Helsinki, Finland), a non-dispersive infrared sensor for Ca (GMP343, Vaisala, Helsinki, Finland), and an omnidirectional...
Ten R-type thermocouples with ceramic sheath were installed on the top side. The thermocouple junctions were placed at the half height in the inner furnace. The average of temperatures measured by the ten thermocouples was denoted as “furnace temperature” in this study. Five ports for ...
(Supplementary TableS3). Furthermore, the [DH] calculated using the three-state model does not scale linearly with the fluorescence intensity of H-DNA solutions as the concetration is changed (Supplementary Fig.7); however, for the two-state model it does. Especially under the condition that ...