For AY 2021-22 only information required was if one has opted for the new tax regime or not. But For the AY 2022-23, you have to choose from the following options:Whether you have opted for the new tax regime under Section 115BAC and filed Form 10-IE in AY 2021-22 For the AY 20...
Last date for filing (Belated) as well as revising the ITR for AY 2022-23 is 31st March 2023. Yes, ITR can be revised u/s.139(5) even after Processing of ITR! (i) Information is correct, (ii) Information is not fully correct, (iii) Information related to other person/year, (iv...
Today i.e. on the 26th of June, 2020, the department has made the Income Tax Return Preparation Software (also known as the income tax return utility) for ITR-2 available on its e-Filing portal for filing the income tax returns.(
ITR 6 is a tax return form for all the companies which are not claiming the exemption u/s 11 (Income from property held for charitable or religious purposes). The 31st of October is the due date for filing the ITR 6 for AY 2023-24. ITR 7 Form is meant for all Charitable /Religious...
Bantel-Schaal, U. et al., “Human Adeno-Associated Virus Type 5 Is Only Distantly Related to Other Known Primate Helper-Dependent Parvoviruses” Journal of Virology (1999) vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 939-947. Boshart, M. et al, “A Very Strong Enhancer Is Located Upstream of an Immediate ...
Superoxide dismutase Q985K3 was the only upregulated symbiont enzyme for superoxide detoxification. The upregulation was significant, but FC was low. In the symbiont, no peroxidase increased in abundance. Two peroxidases were downregulated, one significantly (Q98AY3 cytochrome c peroxidase). In the...
#NBA30队巡礼# 【2021-22赛季高光时刻:巴特勒季后赛45分】2022年4月20日,东部季后赛首轮第二场,热火主场迎战老鹰,此役热火球星巴特勒首发出场39分钟,全场25投15中,三分球7中4,罚球12中11,豪取45分5篮板5...
#气运联盟[超话]# [心]#气运联盟时尚科普# 12.04 #赵珂21.0版人生已开服# ——— @赵珂__ 外套丨DENIMU LAB@DENIMULAB Oversized Tweed Shirt 银色粗花呢镰刀袖衬衫衬衫丨DENIMU LAB@DENIMULAB Ch...
在上一期,我们讲解了三种方法去消除魔鬼灯光:最后还给大家留了一个作业,今天我们将给大家介绍一种全新的魔鬼灯光消除方法!效果堪称一绝!在正式讲解今天的方法之前,先给大家复习一下上节课的作业。 我们作业的这张图一看就知道它整体是偏向于洋红色和蓝色的(上方左一),按照我们上节课讲的知识,如果画面片洋红色,那么...