The assessment year 2024-25 can be chosen. Step 9: Pre-filled JSON can be downloaded after logging into the e-filing portal through: ‘My Account -> ‘Download Pre-Filled for AY 2024-25’ and is imported to the utility for pre-filling the personal and the other opened information. Next...
On the “File Income Tax Return” page, specify the Assessment Year (AY) for the return you are filing. For example, AY 2024-25 corresponds to income earned from April 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024. Select “Online” as the Mode of Filing. An offline option using the “Income Tax ...
Login to File Income Tax Returns (ITR) for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) online with ClearTax. ClearTax is fast, safe and easy for ITR E-Filing. ClearTax handles all cases of Income from Salary, Interest Income, Capital Gains, House Property, Business and Prof
亿光热销产品23-21/R6C-AM1N2AY/2A 亿光热销产品23-21SYGC/S530-E2/TR8 亿光热销产品23-21B/BHC-AN1P2/2A 亿光热销产品23-22BSURSYGC/S530-A2/TR8 亿光热销产品23-21/G6C-AL2N1-2A 亿光热销产品23-21/R6C-AP1Q2B/2A 亿光热销产品23-21B/R6C-AN1P2L/2A 亿光热销产品23-21SURC-S530-A3/TR8...
Assessment Year: Income Tax return, ITR, is bound to an assessment year. For income earned in FY 2015-6 assessment year is AY 2016-17. Income Tax return forms(physical and excel) of AY 2016-17 and AY 2015-16 are different,. A revised return for the correct assessment year needs to ...
宝丰县医疗保障局2023年度行政执法统计年报 宝丰县医疗保障局2023年度行政执法统计年报.pdf
踔厉奋发启新程,乘势而上开新局。近日,中建二局中标丰宁润达光电储氢牧一体化示范项目工程总承包(EPC)工程。此次中标是中建二局坚定绿色低碳转型方向,服务能源革命,落实双碳战略的生动实践。 中建二局将以此次中标为契机,不断发挥新能源领域的先发优势,着力打造新兴业务“5+3”布局,以高品质履约决战决胜全年目标。