Round 3:oh my zsh 一直以为 iTerm2 在使用了 oh my zsh 之后冷启动慢是因为启动的时候会去进行 omz 的自动更新导致的,根据使用的版本,在.zshrc中关闭自动更新: 老版本: # Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks. DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true" 新版本: zstyle ':omz:update...
My Zsh and Fish configs mostly have functional parity:Same prompt (Starship) Same essential abbreviations and functionsZsh Setup Instructions Zsh is now the default shell on macOS. However, it’s helpful to add an entry enabling the Homebrew version of Zsh (`$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/zsh`) instead...
Makes iTerm2 the default terminal for opening .command, .tool, .zsh, .csh, and .pl files.iTerm2 > Make Terminal Default TermYou must hold down Option for this entry to be visible. Makes the default terminal for opening .command, .tool, .zsh, .csh, and .pl files.iTerm2...
return " set myTerm to (make new terminal) tell myTerm launch session \"Default\" end tell" end OldScript tell application "iTerm" if my IsModernVersion(version) then set myScript to my NewScript() else set myScript to my OldScript() end if end tell set fullScript to "tell applicat...