JavaScript built-in: Iterator: toArray Global usage 73.98% + 0% = 73.98% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ❌ 12 - 116: Not supported ✅ 117 - 118: Supported ❌ 119 - 121: Not supported ✅ 122 - 131: Supported ✅ 132: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 ...
此特性是对 TC39 提案 proposal-iterator-helpers 的同步,其为 JavaScript 内置的迭代器对象(Iterator)增加了一组接口用于降低其使用成本,除 map、filter、some 这些与数组上方法功能类似的接口外,还包括一部分特有的方法: iterator.take(limit: number),限定迭代器能够产生有效值的次数,超过有效次数的 next 方法调用...
//伪代码 long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); //获取开始时间 doSomeThing();...
Every Array has a function which you can use to create an iterator. This function can only be accessed by using theSymbol.iteratoras a key on the Array. Once you have created your iterator, you can use it to iterate through each value of the Array using.nextor afor loop. constabcs =...
toArray() Returns an array of each value in this collection. toObject() Returns an object with each property name and value corresponding to the entries in this collection. constructClone(values?) Creates a shallow clone of this collection. Usage var Iterator = require("collections/iterator");...
Every Array has a function which you can use to create an iterator. This function can only be accessed by using theSymbol.iteratoras a key on the Array. Once you have created your iterator, you can use it to iterate through each value of the Array using.nextor afor loop. ...
//Iterator 迭代器原型 function Iterator(){} = null; Iterator.prototype.hasNext = null; Iterator.prototype.toArray = function(){ var _set = []; while(this.hasNext()) { _set.push(; }...
UsingSymbol.iterator, you can create custom iterators that can be used inside offorloops and Array spreads. This lesson walks you through creating a function to create iterators from arrays that you pass into the function. const abcs = ["A", "B", "C"] ...
toArray(); int sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) sum += ((Integer)o[i]).intValue(); System.out.println("sum: " + sum); // sum: 10 2. LinkedList 链表 代码语言:javascript 复制 LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); ll.add("F"); ll.add("B"); ll.add("D")...
JavaScript 提供了许多迭代集合的方法,从简单的 for 循环到 map() 和 filter()。本节要介绍的迭代器也是一种方案,并且迭代器将迭代的概念直接带入核心语言,同时提供了一种机制来自定义 for...of 循环的行为。 1. 解释 迭代器是一种特殊对象,它符合迭代器协议规范。在 TypeScript 中,我们可以定义一个接口,这...