In function 'int main()': 13:13: error: assignment of read-only location 'it.__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>::operator*<const int*, std::vector<int> >()' 反向迭代器:定义方式为:容器名::reverse_iterator。使用反向迭代器可以反向遍历容器,如代码所示: 代码语言:javascript...
Clients use thefirst(),isDone(),next(), andcurrentItem()protocol #include <iostream>usingnamespacestd;classStack{intitems[10];intsp;public:friendclassStackIter;Stack() {sp=-1; }voidpush(intin) {items[++sp]=in; }intpop() {returnitems[sp--]; }boolisEmpty() {return(sp==-1); }Sta...
Great article, I was having some trouble with this in cpp17 where I wasn't before upgrading my code.This article helped me solve it. imallett on November 18, 2021 at 18:31 Minor suggestions: in the source code, there's trailing whitespace on some lines, and trailing semicolons on th...
template<typename _InputIterator>inlinetypename iterator_traits<_InputIterator>::difference_typedistance(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last){// concept requirements -- taken care of in __distancereturnstd::__distance(__first, __last,std::__iterator_category(__first)); }// 遍历迭代...
// iterator_op_insert.cpp// compile with: /EHsc#include<iterator>#include<vector>#include<iostream>intmain(){usingnamespacestd;vector<int> vec;for(inti =0; i <6; ++i) { vec.push_back(2* i); }cout<<"The initial vector vec is: ( ";for(vector<int>::iterator vIter = vec.begin...
// iterator_back_inserter.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <iterator> #include <vector> #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace std; vector<int> vec; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vec.push_back(i); } cout << "The initial vector vec is: ( "; for (auto ...
这段代码的意思是把test.cpp中的内容读出来并打印到终端上,输出的结果原分不动地保留了test.cpp的格式,下面我们来看另外一个例子: 例2: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> using namespace std; int main(){ ifstream in("...
//iter/itercat.cpp#include<vector>#include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain() { vector<int>coll;//insert elements from -3 to 9for(inti=-3; i<=9; ++i) { coll.push_back (i); }/*print number of elements by processing the distance between beginning and end ...
(deprecated in C++17) std::iteratoris the base class provided to simplify definitions of the required types for iterators. Template parameters Category-the category of the iterator. Must be one ofiterator category tags. T-the type of the values that can be obtained by dereferencing the iterator...
// back_insert_iterator_back_insert.cpp// compile with: /EHsc#include<iterator>#include<vector>#include<iostream>intmain( ){usingnamespacestd;inti;vector<int> vec;for(i =1; i <4; ++i ) { vec.push_back ( i ); }vector<int>::iterator vIter;cout<<"The vector vec is: ( ";for(...