Using x as both the loop counter and the data frame is not recommended practice, although your code may still function due to the behavior of the for loop. A better approach is to utilize the step parameter in the range call, as shown below. It is also unclear what the intended return ...
Don't pay attention to the data itself... it's junk and I would no expect this to do what I want it to, but the shape is the same except far fewer rows of data than I'm dealing with. import json from itertools import chain import numpy as np import pandas as pd from dask....
pandas迭代行 importpandasaspdimportnumpyasnp df = pd.DataFrame({'c1': [10,11,12],'c2': [100,110,120]})forindex, rowindf.iterrows():print(row['c1'], row['c2']) 0 0 python-使用数据框迭代 # Option 1forrowindf.iterrows():printrow.loc[0,'A']printrow.Aprintrow.index()# Option...