A for loop steps through the elements of an array or a List, just as in Python, though the syntax looks a little different. For example:// find the maximum point of a hailstone sequence stored in li…
Aloopis a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached. For instance, we have a collection of items and we create a loop to go through all elements of the collection. In Python, we can loop over list elements with for and while statements, and...
Iterating over a rangeSometimes we need to iterate over a range of numbers, and it would be quite unpleasant to have to do so by hardcoding the list somewhere. In such cases, the range function comes to the rescue. Let's see the equivalent of the previous snippet of code:#...
Question In the context of this exercise, using a for loop to iterate through the list seems like a good solution. However this ends up generating wrong solutions, why doesn’t this work? Answer To understand why for ite…
Question In the context of this exercise, using a for loop to iterate through the list seems like a good solution. However this ends up generating wrong solutions, why doesn’t this work? Answer To understand why for ite…
KmerCountTable objects are iterable in Python. Remember that count tables are unsorted by default and order will vary between runs. Use dump() to get sorted records. # Convert to list list(kct) >>> [(73459868045630124, 2), (17832910516274425539, 1), (382727017318141683, 1)] # Use with ge...
Thanks. *Specs : Python 3.5 | 8-core i7 | 16go Ram* [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9402033/python-is-slow-when-iterating-over-a-large-list [Original Message with better formating] : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42816271/python-is-slow-when-iterating-over-a-cursorNav...
To see this in action, paste the following code into a Python file and run it: importopenaifromopenai.embeddings_utilsimportcosine_similarity openai.api_key=[YOUR KEY]EMBEDDING_MODEL="text-embedding-ada-002"defget_cos_sim(input_1,input_2):embeds=openai.Embedding.create(model=EMBEDDING_MODEL,...
What 'int' object is this referring to? I'm iterating over a dict, not an int. It thinks you are trying to unpack the first item, you mean to be doing for k, v in list_as_dict.it eritems()Diez B. Roggisch #3 Oct 6 '08, 06:25 AM Re: "'int' object is not it...