the Guardian, accessed June 29, 2023.[7] The ITER Tokamak, ITER, accessed June 29, 2023.[8] 磁体馈线系统, 中国国际核聚变能源计划执行中心, ac...
[6] AFP 2023, International nuclear fusion project may be delayed by years, its head admits, the Guardian, accessed June 29, 2023. [7] The ITER Tokamak, ITER, accessed Ju...
ITER and nuclear fusion 巴黎时间8月30日上午,清华大学工程物理系刘井泉老师与10名工程物理系的同学来到了位于法国巴黎普罗旺斯地区的ITER项目所在地。 中国驻ITER高级工程师、托卡马克控制司副司长、中科院等离子体所的武松涛老师和ITER communication部门负责人Kirsten热情地...
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- Construction of the world's largest nuclear fusion experiment, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), is now 50 percent complete, head of the project said here Wednesday. "It is quite symbolic," ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot said in an...
The article reports that the engineering team tasked to build the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) at the Cadarache research site in southern France has announced in April 2013 that they ...
大连理工大学物理学院孙继忠教授课题组与国际聚变能组织(ITER)科学部门负责人Alberto Loarte博士、ITER钨偏滤器和壁与等离子体相互作用部门Xavier Bonnin博士、中科院等离子体物理研究所胡建生研究员团队合作在国际聚变界顶级期刊《Nuclear Fusion》上发表了研究论文《Numerical simulation of Li-pellet injection experiments ...
近日,中科院合肥研究院等离子体所聚变堆材料及部件研究室博士生刘才斌在氢同位素输运的同位素效应研究方面取得新进展,相关成果发表在Nuclear Fusion期刊上[1]。 国际热核聚变实验堆ITER测试包层模块(TBM)的一项重要任务是评估氚增殖效率,但来自于等离子体的氚...
Engineers have installed the first and largest piece of the ITER nuclear fusion reactor: the steel base of the cryostat, weighs more than 1,200 tons.
NANJING, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese companies shipped four critical parts to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), an international nuclear fusion project in France, the equipment builders have said. Four vapor suppression tanks (VSTs) were loaded onto a tanker in Zhangjiagang...