Add Discord badge to README on Github - mezz Fix a bug where recipes could be shown in the wrong category - mezz Update zh_cn.lang (#1021) - Urey. Xue Fix ability to hide recipes from the API - mezz Fix #1011 Fluid itemstacks are not visible - mezz Use new Forge item.getCreator...
importnet.minecraft.item.ItemStack;//导入方法依赖的package包/类/** Compare two ItemStacks and see if their items match - take wildcards into account, don't take stacksize into account. *@paramA ItemStack A *@paramB ItemStack B *@returntrue if the stacks contain matching items. */privatest...
包路径:net.minecraft.item.Item类名称:Item方法名:getSubItems Item.getSubItems介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2 protected void getCheckedSubItems( final CreativeTabs creativeTab, final NonNullList<ItemStack> itemStacks ) { super.getSubItems( creativeTab, ...
importnet.minecraft.item.Item;//导入方法依赖的package包/类publicvoidcomputeRecipes(Integer count, ItemStack stack){if(stack.getItemDamage() ==0&& stack.getItem()instanceofLOTRItemMug) { Item item = stack.getItem(); List<ItemStack> list =newArrayList<>(); item.getSubItems(item,null, list); ...
Update to Minecraft 1.14.3, Update Forge and MCP - mezz Fix #1603 Cheat items not working in most cases - mezz Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.14 - mezz # Conflicts: # src/main/java/mezz/jei/gui/ingredients/ # src/main/java/mezz/jei/startup/Stack...
To install Too Many Items, just put the file in your mods folder. However, you'll also need to copy the classes into your minecraft.jar. There are several YouTube tutorials to help you if you have any problems. Too Many Items includes unlimited stacks (which can be activated by shift-...
Everything in the "" package is dedicated to item management, and is intended for any mod to use. The core API's are: FixedItemInv* (A version of minecraft's Inventory class that only deals with indexed item slot accessors and modification). ...
,,,20w51a,,21w06a,21w07a, When I used: /give CucumberCatYT minecraft:tnt 500000000 the game crashed. How to fix: in the next update, the /give count shouldn't be able to exceed the players inventory slots. MC-202694
false log-minecraft_lang_overwrite-loading: false categories: log-total-loaded: true log-single-loaded: false log-single-loaded-overwrite: false log-single-skip: false log-icon-failed-load: false entities: log-files-loading: false log-entities-loading: false log-entities-loading-disabled: false ...
Villagers will attempt to pick up items even after their inventories are full, all 8 stacks. By "attempt", though, I don't mean walk over to the items and stand near them. I mean the items will act as if they've been picked up, getting attracted to the villager and then disappearing...