Bonus: Spell Attacks, Bonus: Spell Save DC, artificer Amethyst LodestoneVery Rare Wondrous Item Required Advantage: Strength Saving Throws, Set: Innate Speed (Flying) Ammunition of SlayingVery Rare Weapon —— Damage: Force Ammunition, +1Uncommon ...
I’ve spent all week – month, whatever – waiting with bated breath for the UA Artificer to drop, ... Brandes Stoddard February 28, 2019 D&D 5eGM ResourcesMagic ItemsSeas of Vodari New Magic Items for Sail In a fantasy setting, if magic items are created through deliberate action, it’...
So no matter how restrictive a DM might be a creative player running a Wizard or Artificer can still circumvent the DMs best laid plans to keep some items out of the hands of the PCs. @Dave I’m not surprised to hear that players are looking for a magic-lite campaign. Glad to hear ...