If you want to add an ordered list, you simply have to replace itemize with enumerated environment and LaTeX will take care of the enumeration for you: \begin{enumerate} \item One \item Two \item Three \end{enumerate} As you can see, LaTeX will automatically get the numbers right: Nested...
However, with your current approach, what you should do is this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{itemize} \item DTP \item HIB \item MMR \smash{\raisebox{.5\dimexpr\baselineskip+\itemsep+\parskip}{$\left.\rule{0pt}{.5\dimexpr4\baselineskip+3\items...
For various reasons, I cannot use LaTex's enumerate automatic numbering feature for these lists--the numbers have to be entered manually. Nevertheless, the list format has to be maintained. I have used the mdwlist package to cut down on the extra spacing that LaTex adds to lists. The lis...
18 aligning a multiline formula with the bullet of itemize 9 possible memoir bug with font sizes and \tightlists 4 Beamer: always overlay first item on same frame 8 Beamer: handout/article mode - produce multiple copies of a frame with distinct overlay numbers 4 LaTeX ...