In Item master within TAX tab multiple tax rates are allowed for same ITEM. if we use such items in single Purchase invoice or Sales Invoice(or any other relevant doctype) it should allow selection of those different/multiple tax rates. It is highly possible that user want to track item pu...
For India:HSN/SAC: Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) and Service Accounting Code (SAC) for GST. These numbers are defined by the government and different Items fall under different codes. New HSN codes can be added if not present in the list. Is nil rated or exempted: For an Item...
GST in India has been introduced with effect from 1st July 2017 as an integrated nation wise tax under the notion of 'one tax, one country'. Its taxing mechanism is based on a dual model where both the Centre and the States levy taxes on the same tran...
For India:HSN/SAC: Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) and Service Accounting Code (SAC) for GST. These numbers are defined by the government and different Items fall under different codes. New HSN codes can be added if not present in the list. Is nil rated or exempted: For an Item...