(1995). Item response theory in personality research. In P. E. Shrout & S. T. Fiske (Eds), Personality research, methods, and theory (pp. 161-181). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Steinberg L, Thissen D (1995) Item response theory in personality research. In: Fisk S (ed) ...
测验信息函数是一个测验所有项目信息函数的累加。 这些是项目反应理论涉及到的基础的概念,在修订量表时需要用到的等级反应模型(GRM)和在R中的实现会在后续讲到。 参考文献: Frank B. Baker,Seock-Ho Kim. The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R. 2017. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-54205-8...
通过设计和编写一套试题集(Test),包括若干个试题(item),每个试题(即item )用来描述或考察能力的某个方面(facet)。 试题答案(即反应response)如正确,则表示为1, 错误0. 为什么要使用多项选择题(multiple choice)? 为了评分的信度(reliability),也就是考试题评分的一致稳定性。 项目特征曲线(item Characteristics Cu...
Multidimensional item response theory in R. Description Analysis of dichotomous and polytomous response data using unidimensional and multidimensional latent trait models under the Item Response Theory paradigm. Exploratory and confirmatory models can be estimated with quadrature (EM) or stochastic (MHRM) me...
项目反应理论(Item Response Theory)简介 虽然项目反应理论的某些基本思想可以追溯到本世纪三四十年代,乃至比纳和西蒙的时代,但是人们普遍认为项目反应理论的兴起和发展首先应归功于F。M。洛德。1952年洛德在其博士论文《关于测验分数的一个理论》中,第一次对项目反应理论作了系统的阐述(当时他称其为项目特征曲线理论,...
Combines clearly written text and succinct R code Utilizes a building-block approach from simple to complex, enabling readers to develop a clinical feel for item response theory and how its concepts are interrelated Includes downloadable R functions that implement various facets of item response ...
IRT理论在20世纪50年代由丹麦统计学家乔治·拉什和美国心理统计学家弗雷德里克·洛德各自发展起来。尽管研究方法不同,但他们的发现高度一致。F. Lord的博士论文《A Theory of Test Scores》被视为IRT理论的奠基之作。随后,Lord在1980年出版的《Applications of Item Response Theory to Practical Testing ...
Item response theory (IRT) deals with the statistical analysis of data in which responses of each of the number of respondents to each of the number of items or trials are assigned to define mutually exclusive categories. This chapter presents the best known item response models specifying the ...
IRT理论即项目反应理论(Item Response Theory, IRT),又称题目反应理论、潜在特质理论(Item Response Theory)是一系列心理统计学模型的总称。IRT是用来分析考试成绩或者问卷调查数据的数学模型。这些模型的目标是来确定的潜在心理特征(latent trait)是否可以通过测试题被反应出来,以及测试题和被测试者之间的互动关系。...
This graduate-level textbook is a tutorial for item response theory that covers both the basics of item response theory and the use of R for preparing graphical presentation in writings about the theory. Item response theory has become one of the most powerful tools used in test construction, ...