doi:10.1002/adma.202311526Han WangJacopo PinnaDavid Garcia RomeroLorenzo Di MarioRazieh Mehrabi KoushkiMordechai KotGiuseppe PortaleMaria Antonietta LoiAdvanced Materials
p16/Ki-67 dual stainingCervical cancer, primarily caused by high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) types 16 and 18, is a major global health concern. Persistent HR-HPV infection can progress from reversible precancerous lesions to invasive cervical cancer, which is...
The primary goal of this analysis is to observe Masing's body of work, regardless of genre, be it poetry or prose, fact or fiction. Although many critics have analyzed Masing's linguistic and theological ideas, mostly drawing from hisKuusk, KüllikiMethis...
1.1807.12]DOCOSANE)ZINC(II) CHLORIDE ISONICOTINATE TRIHYDRATE: [Zn(L)(H2O)]Cl·INT·3H2O]]>Ki-Young ChoiYong-Son KimHaiil RyuYoun-Mook LimByung-Bin ParkMoon-Jip KimMain Group Metal Chemistry
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of using a nudge strategy to encourage eligible clients to participate in colorectal cancer screening (CRCS) at primary care facilities. Additionally, it emphasizes the good outcomes of utilizing nudge in...
The distance between these markers was equivalent to a 682 kb interval in the genome sequence of N. benthamiana.Tezuka, TakahiroKitamura, NaotoImagawa, SaeHasegawa, AkiraShiragaki, KumpeiHe, HaiYanase, MasanoriOgata, YoshiyukiMorikawa, ToshinobuYokoi, ShujiPlants (2223-7747)...
doi:10.1002/adfm.202311782An, KihunKim, DokyungTran, Yen Hai ThiVu, Dung Tien TuanPark, Seong JunHeo, JiyoungLee, Young JooSong, Seung‐WanAdvanced Functional Materials
doi:10.1111/j.1758-5872.2011.00114.xMEETINGSPSYCHIATRY educationThe article offers information on the Teachers of Psychiatry (TOP) Meeting that will be held at the Shanghai Mental Health Centre in China from October 14-15, 2011.Asia-Pacific Psychiatry...
This study further substantiates counseling parents regarding the long-term outcomes of children being born underweight.Kim, Ho YeonCho, Geum JoonAhn, Ki HoonHong, Soon-CheolOh, Min-JeongKim, Hai-JoongScientific Reports