Item Info for Minecraft Bedrock Check out my personal website! :D Follow me on Twitter (X) for exclusive sneak peeks & announcements! 4 different subpacks are available! Go into Global Resources, activate the pack, and click on the cog next to...
This mod gives you extra information on most of the blocks in Minecraft. It’ll tell you the basics such as a block you may not be familiar with or if you’re simply curious about what all a certain item can withstand. It can tell you the durability and enchantability of tools. If y...
Waila Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraftis a short form of “What Am I Looking At”. The modification itself is considered to be the extension of Not Enough Items, a famous tool for Minecraft. It will help you to easily recognize the origin of that tool and from which mod it is re...
KzYaz丶梦创建的收藏夹MC-mod内容:超实用辅助mod-自动合成以及物品移动Item Scroller Mods-支持Minecraft1.11+版本我的世界,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览;;;;publicclassEightBallItemextendsItem{publicEightBallItem(Properties properties){super(properties);}//重写了父类的use方法,这个方法是当玩家使用物品的...
9回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧itemGroup.Items这是什么MOD?紧急啊!图片在底下 只看楼主收藏回复 斌斌 地狱哀歌 11 叫itemGroup.Items 送TA礼物 1楼2016-02-19 12:24回复 天朝尸弟 沙漠神殿 8 更多地牢mod 来自Android青春福利版2楼2016-02-19 12:25 回复 天朝...
Every mod requires Minecraft Forge API installed beforehand. Forge creates a new profile in Minecraft launcher and enables 3rd party modification without breaking the core files of the game. So, download Forge API latest build for your game version. It comes with an installer, just run it and ...
MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(instance); API.registerHighlightHandler(newDefaultHighlightHandler(),ItemInfo.Layout.HEADER); HUDRenderer.load(); WorldOverlayRenderer.load(); } 开发者ID:4Space,项目名称:4Space-5,代码行数:12,代码来源 ...
.info("Got game settings {}",event.getMinecraftSupplier().get().gameSettings);}privatevoidenqueueIMC(final InterModEnqueueEvent event){InterModComms.sendTo("examplemod","helloworld",()->{"Hello world from the MDK");return"Hello world";});}privatevoidprocessIMC(final InterMod...
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