Find below a list ofall item codesfor the latest version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PC / Mac (Steam). These item ID numbers can be used with theAddItem command. For opening and using the command console, please seeour guide. ...
请在 我的文档\My Games\Skyrim下的SkyrimPrefs.ini文件里面的[Launcher]下添加一行命令 bEnableFile...
How to use item codes in Skyrim If you want to quickly get every item you need for your build, you can simply use theconsole commandsto spawn it all and proceed with your playthrough from there. If you know the codes for weapons and armor, all it takes is to find the correct one an...
The PC version ofThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimhas itemcode cheatsthat instantly add potions, lockpicks, and even gold to your inventory. If you want to try theElder Scrolls V: Skyrimgive item command, use the player.additem console command to get any item when you need it. These item code...
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Quality of Life 20 Years of Modding 2021 Tag this mod Description Files 1 Images 1 Videos 0 Posts 467 Bugs 2 Logs Stats chevron_leftBack to files Keyword Item Distributor-55728-3-0-4-1693294098.7z(Keyword Item Distributor)folder 7.5MB Choose ... 最后,如果您希望使用与我相同的字体,请下载位于Nexus的Fhaarkas字体替换: 已知问题: 希望没有任何问题,但是您可能会在清单之外看到一些物品标签,这可能会破坏一些沉浸感。这个问题没有解决方法,所...
如果你想使用与我相同的UI设置,首先你需要安装SkyUI,可以在Nexus上找到:,也可以在Steam上找到:。 我还推荐安装位于Nexus上的Categorized Favorites Menu:http://skyrim.nexusmod...
SCUM Item IDs Stardew Valley Item Codes Skyrim Item Codes Fallout 4 Item Codes Unturned Item IDs Starbound Item IDs Item NameItem IDSpawn CodeItem CodeUnlock Code Titanium titanium spawn titanium item titanium Titanium Ingot titaniumingot spawn titaniumingot item titaniumingot Fiber Mesh fibermesh...
5. After that, get theAppIDandModIDof your favorite game. Like, here we are downloading mods forRimWorldbut you can also go for other games like Skyrim and Cities Skyline. Steam AppID: Steam ModID: 6. Once you have both the ID, enter the “login anonymous” command in the steam clie...
The Dragonborn Helmet was awarded to players who pre-purchase The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim before August 7, 2011. The Anger was awarded to players who pre-purchase Brink before August 8, 2011. The Pip-Boy was awarded to players who own or purchase Fallout: New Vegas before August 8, 2011...