Item drop system/zh-hans 物品掉落系统是一个可以让玩家在军团要塞2游戏中轻松获得大量物品items并且在兵种更新期间能够保持兵种间平衡性的系统. 这个系统是于2009年5月21日的狙击手 VS. 间谍 升级更新Sniper vs. SpyUpdate时启动,而且经过调整后,更加注重保护对玩家的公平性,避免了发生有玩家长时间获得不到物品. ...
The current item drop system was introduced on April 20, 2010.[1]Players are guaranteed to find items at regular intervals of 30 to 70 minutes, with an average interval of 50 minutes. The system has a cap on the amount of playtime in which drops can occur. This cap has been estimated...
Originally, when the item drop system was first implemented in the Sniper vs. Spy Update, item levels were added by the developers to test if level functionality could be included. Dropped items were given a random level between 0 and 100, and the level would appear under the name of the...
由[[Item drop system/zh-hant|{{common string|Item drop system}}]]掉落獲得的物品只能有一種屬性/品質,而開啟一個{{item link|Mann Co. Supply Crate}}獲得的物品可以有一至兩種屬性/品質(例如「奇異異常」物品)。額外的屬性/品質只能透過使用{{item link|Strangifier}}或{{item link|Unusualifier}}來...
Not to be confused with theItem drop system. For more in-depth technical documentation pertaining to the Steam Web API and GetSchema, seeWebAPI. Theitem schemais a resource inTeam Fortress 2that defines all existing items and the attributes assigned to them. The item schema is accessed by the...
通过[[Item drop system/zh-hans|掉落]]获得的物品只有一种品质,而通过[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/zh-hans|开箱]]获得的物品可以出现 1 到 2 种的品质。也可以通过使用{{Item link|strangifier}}或{{Item link|unusualifier}}来给物品添加额外的品质。 品质只是纯粹的装饰作用,除了一些屏幕上的消息以外,对...
'''{{Patch name|11|19|2010}}''' * {{item schema}} This item could no longer be obtained via the [[item drop system]] or [[crafting]]. November 19, 2010 Patch [Item schema update] This item could no longer be obtained via the item drop system or crafting....
Example '''{{Patch name|11|19|2010}}''' * {{item schema}} This item could no longer be obtained via the [[item drop system]] or [[crafting]]. November 19, 2010 Patch [Item schemaupdate]This item could no longer be obtained via theitem drop systemorcrafting. ...
Example '''{{Patch name|11|19|2010}}''' * {{item schema}} This item could no longer be obtained via the [[item drop system]] or [[crafting]]. November 19, 2010 Patch [Item schemaupdate]This item could no longer be obtained via theitem drop systemorcrafting. ...
Quality is a purely cosmetic property. Even visual changes beyond the colored title text are limited to aesthetic changes likeparticle effectsfromSelf-MadeandCommunityitems (which had a since-removed 10% hiddendamageboost),Decoratedweapon patterns, and some additional on-screen messages (these messages...