Rebirth (no DLCs):MediaFire Afterbirth (first DLC) mirror Afterbirth+ and Repentance:Steam Workshop-GitHub Installation ForSteam users, simply press the "Subscribe" button on the mod's Steam Workshop page. This will automatically install the mod for you. Formanual ...
Detailed Stat values next in the Description More space between some items in almost all rooms Images of the mod ingame: This mod (ONLY: Rebirth and Afterbirth Version) despawns the restock machines in Shops due to unflexible modablility of the game. Im sorry...
When you have found the file, move it to the filepath specified in the mod's description...Next time you open the game your changes should have been enacted...Oh, and then come back here and thank deathssoul for the cool mod... Show more... deathssoul March 5, 2016 - 11:45 am...