Article Writing (1) includes a shell (8) FOR LIQUID INK IN FREE STATE, A POINT OF TRANSFER (12) the rear end (12A) opening into the reservoir (8) and whose FRONT END (12B) forms the write head. REGULATOR comprises a reservoir (13) adapted to absorb excess ink, which is a block ...
public Cursor Item[ int index ] { get; } 參數 index 型別:System.Int32 要取得之 Cursor 物件的索引 (以零起始)。 屬性值 型別:Microsoft.Ink.Cursor Cursors 集合中位於指定索引處的 Cursor 物件。 備註 如果index 與 Cursors 集合的現有成員不相符,則會擲回 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException (英文)。
public Cursor Item[ int index ] { get; } 参数 index 类型:System.Int32 要获取的 Cursor 对象的从零开始的索引。 属性值 类型:Microsoft.Ink.Cursor Cursors 集合中指定索引处的 Cursor 对象。 备注 如果index 与 Cursors 集合的现有成员不匹配,则会引发 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException。 备注 在C# 中,...
publicDivisionUnit Item[intindex ] {get; } 參數 index 型別:System.Int32 要取得之DivisionUnit物件的索引 (以零起始)。 屬性值 型別:Microsoft.Ink.DivisionUnit DivisionUnits集合中位於指定索引處的DivisionUnit物件。 備註 如果index 與DivisionUnits集合的現有成員不相符,則會擲回System.ArgumentOutOfRangeExcepti...
public InkRecognizer this[ int index ] { get; } Parametersindex Type: System.Int32Property ValueType: Microsoft.Ink.InkRecognizerPlatformsWindows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2008The .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework do not support all versions of every platform. For...
检索IInkDivisionUnits集合中指定索引处的IInkDivisionUnit对象。 语法 C++ HRESULTItem( [in]longIndex, [out, retval] IInkDivisionUnit **InkDivisionUnit ); parameters [in] Index 要获取的IInkDivisionUnit对象的从零开始的索引。 [out, retval] InkDivisionUnit ...
HRESULT Item( [in] long Index, [out, retval] IInkTablet **Tablet ); 参数 [in] Index 要获取的 IInkTablet 对象的从零开始的索引。 [out, retval] Tablet 此方法返回时,包含指向 InkTablets 集合中指定索引处的IInkTablet 对象的指针。 返回值 此方法可以返回其中一个值。 展开表 返回代码说明 S...
05:03 Ink Waruntorn - 洋儿飞飞 0 1月前 06:03 男人堪称绝命毒夫,女人都无一生还 七七说影视 0 2月前 03:43 女儿被杀,父亲追凶半个世纪无果《 七七说影视 0 2月前 06:20 侦探调查失踪案,意外破获案中案《 七七说影视 0 2月前 04:01 女子失踪半个世纪,调查发现案中案 七七说影视 0 2月...
1. Wrap-shaped envelope bearing therein a laminar prints protected from direct contact with packed in trays or similar food item ink; characterized in that consists of two identical and overlapping lamellar portions which are joined by adhesive in the circumferential direction; between the two portion...
Envelope in the form of an envelope that carries inside a laminar element with ink impressions protected from direct contact with food packed in trays or similar; characterized in that it is constituted by two equal and superimposed laminar portions that are joined by adhesive in the perimeter dir...