Croupis an inflammation of the throatin childrenwith characteristic harsh, barking cough. It may be caused by a viral or bacterial infection or allergy. Treatment is with providing moist air for breathing, corticosteroids in inflammation, or antibiotics in bacterial infection. 7. Itchy Throat due t...
Viral infections like the common cold and flu can wreak havoc on the respiratory system, causing an itchy throat and cough due to inflammation and mucus production in the respiratory tract. These pesky viruses can leave you feeling miserable and struggling to find relief. Treatment: Over-the-coun...
Lozenges/cough drops:Throat lozenges and cough drops slowly dissolve in your mouth to help soothe an itchy throat. They sometimes contain ingredients such as menthol or benzocaine that temporarily decrease throat irritation andsoreness. Hard candy:Sucking on hard candy may help relieve itchy throat sy...
If it’s not an allergy, more likely than not that itch in the back of your throat is the beginning of a cold, flu virus, or a strep bacterial infection. Stop the itch in its tracks before it develops into a full blown sore throat, laryngitis or cough and/or, if you’re already ...
Cough Shortness of breath Difficulty breathing Fatigue Body aches New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Itchy ears and itchy ear lobes, however, are not a reported symptom of coronavirus (COVID-19).In the absence of the aforementioned common...
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:医学术语 Last month, I was not feeling well. I was undor the weathor. I thought I had caught a cold. I had a runny nose, itchy eyes, a sore throat amd a cough. I felt tired amd run down. I was in poor condition because...
Allergies may also come with post-nasal drip, or that tickling feeling in the back of your throat from mucus leaving your sinuses. Your throat may become sore or irritated, especially if you cough or clear your throat continuously to try to remove it.2 ...
Byline: Mel HunterYou know its summer when your nose starts running, your eyes won't stop itching and that tickle in the back of your throat just won't go away.Whether you're a city slicker or country dweller, the scourge of summer will still seek you out - there's nowhere to run...
风燥伤津,咽喉失濡,喉痒呛咳,越咳越痒,越痒越咳,痰少难咯者,祛风润燥,宣肺祛痰,加味喉科六味汤主之。 加味喉科六味汤方荆芥10g,防风10g,桔梗10g,甘草6g,薄荷10g,僵蚕10g,蝉衣10g,紫苏叶10g,木蝴蝶10g 一、方证浅识 本方治疗喉...