While most women are familiar with the common symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats, many are unaware of menopause's effects on the skin. Experienced by many women during menopause, skin problems are closely linked to the hormone changes that occur during this transition....
Itchy skin, medically known as pruritus, can make it difficult for women to function normally, leaving many desperate for immediate relief. Fortunately, there are numerous easy and effective approaches to getting rid of the itch during menopause and enjoying healthy and beautiful skin for years to...
Restful sleep is easily ruined by incessant itching that can envelope the body out of nowhere. Just becauseitchy skinis yet another symptom of menopause does not mean you have to put up with it. Continue reading tolearn more about causes and solutions for itchy skin at nightso you can final...
i have been itchy in between my legs for quite some time now, when i scratch it would form a semi circle of red skin and in the semi circle it looks like dry skin and seems to itch when my legs are hot or im just sittin around in my boxer briefs. over time these itchy spots ...
Predisposing risk factors for vaginal yeast infection include diabetes, pregnancy, antibiotic use, stress, poor diet, sugars, alcohol, menopause, use of hormones, birth control pills, pregnancy, immunosuppression from drugs or disease. Hot weather or non-ventilating clothing increase moisture, warmth ...
Daily Mail (London)
The vaginal epithelium matures under the influence of estrogen and there is a large amount of glycogen present in these cells. This produces lactic acid, resulting in an acidic environment which favors the growth of lactobacillus. From the time of puberty till menopause, the lactobacilli present in...
I don't play any musical instruments, I am a 55 year old grandmother who has been through the menopause. I garden but use gloves - same with washing up or any other household chore - always wear Marigolds. I can't blame the weather as I live in the UK (I rest my case!) ...
'My PMDD scenes on MAFS only show the half of it' From Women's Health for Simple The skincare lessons I swear by in my forties From Women's Health for Simple 5 ways to simplify your day 5 things we learned at our Menopause Day event ...
Dry Skin During The Menopause: 14 Quick Beauty Boosts 9 Ways To Beautify Your Dry And Scaly Skin When You Have Hypothyroidism Things You Should Know About Hives (Urticaria): Causes, Symptoms And Diagnosis Dermatitis and Eczema Home Remedies The One Best Way To Prevent A Psoriasis Flare-Up Info...