Itchiness, especially at night, of the entire body or specific areas, such as the wrists,elbows,armpits, and the webbing between fingers Pimplyrash Tinyblistersand scales Sores Grayish-white or skin-colored “burrows” that look like lines Allergies Your skin can have anallergic reactionto somethi...
Another clue is that psoriasis can usually also be found on other parts of the body such as the elbows, knees, buttocks or fingers. There is some overlap in treatments of the two conditions, although scalp psoriasis can be harder to treat effectively [source: Mayo Clinic]. Home Remedies ...
Friction from clothing can also cause hair follicles to get inflamed and infected—a condition calledfolliculitis. Folliculitis looks like tiny red bumps or pimples on your skin. Folliculitis can occur all over the body, including around your genitals. ...
Are little, tiny or small red bumps on scalp a sign of warts? What are they?“I have many tiny red bumps all over my scalp. I wash my hair and scalp very frequently so I know that i am not dealing with lice as I read in one forum. What could have caused these bumps?” Jameson...
Cats with fleas often have red skin, and in some cases, there can be additional skin lesions. Scabs and small red bumps are the two most common lesions associated with flea infestations. Hair Loss The constant itching, skin irritation, and excessive grooming may result in hair loss. The ...