Fix it: “The most important tip in treatment is pretty common sense — make sure you avoid the causative trigger,” Dr. Chang says. To do this, you must first identify the root of the rash. Keep a running tab of the products that you’re using and take note when the rash ...
Brachioradial pruritus (BP) is a condition where the person experiences intense itching, burning and/or stinging to one or both arms. The itching often occurs between the shoulder and the elbow on the sides of the arms but can also extend up to the shoulders. Scratching can make the itch...
Moisturizing your hands and feet can ease itching. Taking antihistamines might help when you’re having an allergic reaction. A doctor can recommend the right medicine to stop the itching when it’s a symptom of a health condition. What can cause itchy feet and hands with no rash? You can ...
Itchy, burning or tingling sensation on the sun exposed parts of the upper arm, forearm or/and shoulders (but not on other parts of the body). One or both arms may be affected. Itch is especially prominent at night No rash is usually present Symptoms correlate with direct sun exposure and...
These problems can cause twinges of pain or a nagging itch in the area around the buttocks and anus, added Dr. Kim. Also, this type of itch typically appears on skin that looks healthy, meaning there is usually no rash. Treatment for this type of nerve damage varies, said Dr. Kim, ...
Unfortunately, the rash may take several days before it appears. The rash emerges as blotchy red papules on the cheeks when it does. In some cases, the rashes become more pronounced when exposed to the sun. Luckily, if you have a strong immune system, treatment isn’t necessary. You can...
Skin: irritation, redness, itching, swelling, blistering, weeping, crusting, rash, eruptions, or hives (itchy bumps or welts) Lungs: wheezing, tightness, cough, or shortness of breath Head: swelling or bumps on the face and neck, eyelids, lips, tongue, or throat, hoarseness of voice, he...
Hidradenitis suppurativa is inflammation and infection of hair follicles, oil and sweat glands. Itchy and painful lumps may burst and dicharge fluid from the skin between buttocks. These lumps also often appear in the inner thighs, armpits or on the nape of the neck. Treatment is with corticost...
which pile up and form red patches with a silvery-white shine to them. Scalp psoriasis can appear in small patches or can cover the whole scalp and spread to the forehead or neck.These patches, known as plaques, can cause itchiness. An itchy scalp is a common symptom of scalp psoriasis,...
Pruritis (itchy burning scalp, sometimes severe) leads to excoriation and possible bleeding. Affects all ages. Secondary infection may be present. Scalp eczema though not curable can often be successfully managed. Affected skin is susceptible to flare ups. Scalp Eczema is categorised into ...