These conditions may not be solely isolated to the back and lesions may be seen elsewhere on the body as well. It is therefore important to differentiate between the occasional episode of anitchy backand persistent itching that is ongoing for weeks and months. The presence of a skin rash, bu...
Hi all. For the last four months I’ve had a very itchy back. It is itchy from the neck down to below the shoulder blades. The skin sometimes feels as though it is being attacked with hot needles. Also, there is no visible rash and the skin is soft and smooth. It is worse first...
Q MY skin is always sensitive, really itchy and covered with red blotches that look like nettle rash. Ask the doc; Health Children at eight Liverpool primary schools will watch violent scenes featuring the hit cartoon's Itchy and Scratchy characters. Don't try this at home ... lessons in ...
Papulosquamous disorders that manifest annular configuration; Role of Microsporum canis from dogs and cats in the disease; Use of oral griseofulvin in treating the skin inflammation.Cohen, Bernard AWase...
Is Vitamin d rash and itchy bumps your major concern? Solve your problem quick & easy with online consultation. Get your query answered 24*7 with Expert Advice and Tips from doctors for Vitamin d rash and itchy bumps | Practo Consult
in a couple of days time, then it is better to get checked by a Gynaecologist, and she will run a few tests to find out whether it is fungal or bacterial. You can also get an urine routine done, just to make sure there is no uncorrected UTI.Do post additional queries.Regards MBBS...
These problems can cause twinges of pain or a nagging itch in the area around the buttocks and anus, added Dr. Kim. Also, this type of itch typically appears on skin that looks healthy, meaning there is usually no rash.19 Treatment for this type of nerve damage varies, said Dr. Kim,...
Kidney disease can lead to itchy skin or a rash. This can occur at any stage of the disease but is most common in more advanced stages. When it occurs, it may appear all over the body or in only certain areas. Some people will not see any signs of skin rash, such as raised bump...
The rash appears as red bumps that spreads from the chest and back to the rest of the body. It can be extremely itchy. In rare cases, drug rashes can be life threatening. If you also have a fever,facial swelling, swollen lymph nodes, skinblisters, skin pain, or ulcers on the mouth ...
An itchy rash can be caused by an allergic reaction, a fungal infection, a chronic condition like psoriasis, or even a viral...