please try sugar test. I had the same problem. My blood sugar level was 350. After controlling the sugar level to below 180, there is no foreskin crack. Reply Guest over a year ago Can someone help Im 12 and my skin below the head is a little red it doesnt hurt or itch but it...
Treatment of a dry throat includes removing a cause and drinking enough water or herbal tea with honey that soothes the throat. Herbal candieswithoutsugar and menthol may provide temporary relief by making a thin protective film over the throat mucosa. Breathing with mouth closed and avoiding speak...
Treatments include topical steroid creams, phototherapy, and injectable or oral biologic medications that help control the immune system. Losing weight, controlling blood sugar, reducing stress, and not smoking may help. 13. Drug allergy Symptoms Generalized red rash with itch Usually starts 1 to 2 ...
Continue including garlic in your food (cooked vegetables, fresh salads, soups, stews) or in supplement form, during and after your bout with a cold, the flu, laryngitis or sore throat! Avoid sugar and alcohol, as well as caffeine while you’re sick (they reduce immunity). And, of cours...
Should eat more alkaline food, such as milk, vegetables, fruits, seaweed, etc., to avoid eating too much acidic food, fried foods and sweets. Also Jichi spicy and pungent food, such as pepper, mustard, onions, garlic, wine, coffee and sugar. Secondly, we should develop the habit of ...
vegetables,fruits,seaweed,etc.,toavoideatingtoomuch acidicfood,friedfoodsandsweets.AlsoJichispicyand pungentfood,suchaspepper,mustard,onions,garlic,wine, coffeeandsugar.Secondly,weshoulddevelopthehabitof regularshampoo.Third,trytoavoiddyeinghair.Becausethe ...
coffee, kidney beans, malt, cauliflower, goat's milk, lamb, as well as wheat based products because he was gluten intolerant, oats, rye, black pepper, chicken, corn, cucumber, cranberries, cane sugar, green peas, herring, kiwi, lentils, millet, runner beans, tomatoes and cheese of any ...