but it can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition, especially if it happens more often in the evenings or at night. Tell your doctor if you're itching so they can decide if you need
Can Hemorrhoids Be a Sign of Cancer? Can hemorrhoids kill you? First of all, hemorrhoids have no relationship at all to colorectal cancer; hemorrhoids themselves are rarely life-threatening. But they share some of the symptoms of more serious diseases, including some rare anal cancers. That’s ...
Infections and infestations of the skinare another cause of the itch. Genital itching oranal itching, which may accompany burning and pain, in men and women can occur as a result of genital infections such as sexually transmitted diseases(STDs). Vaginal itching is sometimes referred to as femini...
Sign Up Subjects Health & Medicine Can cervical cancer cause itching?Question:Can cervical cancer cause itching?Cervical cancer:Cervical cancer is a subset of cancer best known for affecting the cervix, which is located in the female reproductive system. Risk factors include HPV infection, age,...
Could itching be a warning sign of possible breast cancer, especially in a patient at high risk? Pruritis has been well described as a presenting symptom of Paget's disease of the breast, malignant nevi, and other cancers. Both itching and pain involve activation of a peripheral group of C...
Radiation therapy for cancer.Radiation therapy to the pelvic area can cause vaginal or vulvar irritation. Vulvar itching that’s worse at night If you’re sick or in pain, it’s common for it to feel worse at night when you’re trying to sleep. It's the same for vulvar itching. There...
Itching may be one of the first signs of skin change. Lichen sclerosis and lichen planus are often underdiagnosed and undertreated. Without treatment, they may progress and increase the risk of vulvar cancer. Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is an overgrowth of normal bacteria ...
I had colon cancer in 2001 but officially I am completely cured. I am 58 and keep myself in decent shape by going to the gym three times a week and walking each day. My blood pressure is normal. I am not on medication. I thought it might be an allergy, perhaps to some kind of ...
cancer skin cells and he would do a biopsy that means removing the part of the mole or the entire mole that would be examined under the microscope by the pathologist. In my case it turned out that I had cancer cells and was diagnosed with melanoma but fortunately the cancer didn’t ...
Chromium-6, a known cancer-causing agent, has been found in the drinking water of over 200 million Americans. Ways to avoid this are to offer water via gallons of spring water, have a filtering device installed on your sink, or use a filtering pitcher. One water pitcher that works ...