A bee sting triggers hives or swelling (to obtain advice about treatment if another bee sting occurs). They have other symptoms, such as fever, joint pains, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, or night sweats. Hives recur without exposure to a trigger. Symptoms last for more than 2 days. ...
If you have reactions off-site—you were bit on the elbow, but your leg is swelling; you have hives everywhere; you are coughing, dizzy, nauseated, or vomiting; you have diarrhea or trouble breathing; or you fainted immediately or shortly after the bite or sting—it's time to call 911...
Diagnostic challenges:Food challenges, Drug Challenges, Penicillin Allergy testing, Aspirin Desensitization. Venom Immunotherapy:Bee sting / wasp and other insect sting immunotherapy Anaphylaxis Treatment: Monitoring and treatment of system allergic reaction emergencies ... And Other Allergy, Asthma, Sinus, ...
Sting relief used in wiping the skin area where was stung by mosquito, bee and other insects for relief of pain and itch. 30 X 60mm X 2 non-woven pad wrapped in a foil paper sachet sized 50 X 50mm Packing:100 pcs/box, 100 boxes/ctn...
Some old time treatments are the good, old-fashioned snuff. That is mainly used for a bee-sting. I still keep snuff in my cabinet in case anyone gets stung. You can also apply a frozen bag of vegetables to an allergic reaction. It helps with the stinging, itching, and pain. ...
Some old time treatments are the good, old-fashioned snuff. That is mainly used for a bee-sting. I still keep snuff in my cabinet in case anyone gets stung. You can also apply a frozen bag of vegetables to an allergic reaction. It helps with the stinging, itching, and pain. ...
What's a sign a bug bite is something more serious? As long as the reaction stays localized—around the bite—it's usually not serious. It's normal for a bite or sting to swell and itch, which can last up to 48 hours, getting slightly better over time. ...