If you’ve never heard of Itch.io, the website functions like a digital marketplace. It allows users to sell and distribute indie games, assets, music, comics, and a lot more. It’s also one of the most popular sites for trying out lesser-known indie titles and exploring what’s out...
Monster Souls monstersouls.itch.io Paio Hazard digital onahooole Echidna Wars DX D-Gate Lustful Spirit Hunt ingeniusstudios Waifu Hub City Bokuman Studio LAB2-UndeR GrounD Nekonomeme Vicky's Investigation Dumb Koala Gacha Yune Yuzhika Erin ...
https://danielben.itch.io/fidel-dungeon-rescue This is a fun clever little puzzle game. Unfortunately I'm too dumb to get beyond level 9 :P I'm going back to simpler games, like RPGs and strategies :D Post edited March 20, 2020 byBreja ...
游戏链接:https://ezra-szanton.itch.io/domino-grove smack paddle: bounce ball《排击球》 关键字:动作、打砖块、幸存者 Like 发布时间:11 月 16 日 开发者:goingloudstudios 游戏简介:用球拍打球,让它(们)破坏冲向你的方块。其中,紫色方块会生成怪物,而击破怪物能让你升级。随着方块越来越多,敌人越来越强...
LibGDX game concepts for itch.io competitions. 2D games built using Java and TiledMap as well as cutom collision and mechanics. Still working on 3D implementations... - abimael-o-o/jamjamjams