If you are new to Itch.io, it is easy to get lost in the sea of indie games. If you are looking to enjoy your lunch break playing some fund indie games, check out the best Itch.io browser games below. Can you play games on Itch.io without downloading? Itch.io is a platform that...
Records what pages on itch.io you came from when downloading or purchasing. It is used for aggregated analytics on user behavior 65+ 66+ 67+ 68+ ref:register:* 69+ A set of cookies that tell us what page you came from when you register a new account 70+ 71+ 72+ 73+ 74...
to test without triggering the CAPTCHA using a VPN, assuming your IP address is the only reason it's being imposed on you. Obviously, if we (experts) can't pass the CAPTCHA, then every normal user that gets stopped by a weird in-app CAPTCHA is not going to be able to use itch.io...
How to Add an Itch.io Game to Your Steam Library: This guide is for people who want to add a game they have bought from Itch.io to their Steam library for convenience and organization. If you are new to Itch.io and just bought a charity bundle and are m
Night School Studio sent out an email to owners of Oxenfree on itch.io, to notify that it's going to be completely removed from the store on October 1st.
Nice to see developers keep up with the Linux support and not just on Steam too, other platforms are important. Love the little artwork they did for it too back in 2019, which they jokingly added to for the itch re-release: Find the OneShot store pagehere on itch.io. If you did ...
Does itch.io scan for viruses and exploits of every submission received? Not at the moment. An open platform has its risks and this is one of them. An automated scanner could help, but there will always be some inherent risk in downloading from someone you don't know. ...
However, downloading data about every single sale published on itch.io generates a lot of load on their servers. To easen the load generated on itch.io by this tool, I've decide to do this scraping only once, on a remote server, and make the data publicly available. Can ItchClaim ...
There is no indication of "downloading" or "running". Butler provides these through JSON-RPC notifications. However they are not automatically associated with tasks. To properly handle them, it recommends opening dedicated connections for longer running tasks like installations and launches, which will...
Game store itch.io has put up another massive charity bundle, and it's your chance to get a ton of games plus funds go on to support Ukraine.