The ITC Standards Map contains a database of more than 300 sustainability standards and initiatives allowing organisations to easily understand how they can help monitor different aspects of supply chain sustainability, while the SSCI Benchmarkrecognisesthose standards ...
declarethatITC’smarketanalysistoolshelpedthem"tomake better-informedtradepolicydecisions" FullsurveyresultsofMarketAnalysisToolswillbeavailabletothepublicinJanuary2014. Since2012,TradeMaphasintegratedCompanyDataintothedatabase.In2013,wehaveincreasedboththecountry coverageto63countriesandthenumberofcompaniestomorethan...
Foreign trade promotion (Management)Internationaltradecentreunctad/gatt
ITC's e-business team proposes to link all relevant technologies (SMS, mobile application, web) by sharing the same database. Offers sent by SMS are available on the web and to smart phone users in a few seconds.While this project addresses the business needs of participants in a specific...
Geological Survey database. TravelMap - A simple way for travellers to create a blog based on a Map. Proper Cloth Shirt Builder - Custom shirt builder. CheckIt Reddit News - A browser extension which show notifications and news from reddit. Powerpuff Yourself by Cartoon Networks 小桃酱 cloud...
International trade (Laws, regulations and rules)internationaltradecentreunctad/gatt