Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 20358 (2023) Cite this article 3644 Accesses 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Testing density-dependence and path-dependence in long-term population dynamics under differentiated local contexts contributes to delineate the changing role of socioeconomic fo...
Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing; 2023. Coretta S. tidygam: Tidy prediction and plotting of Generalised Additive Models. R Package Version 02 0. 2023; Wood SN. Inference and computation with generalized additive models and their extensions. TEST. 2020...
When we checked the correlation between theIPCand social factors, we found that areas with higher environmental risk tend to have certain social characteristics, like more homemakers, more women, a higher percentage of foreign households or higher population density. Though negative sign like expectati...
If we use a cautious estimate of about 100 people per hectare for the population density(Di Gennaro and Guidi, 2010), a town like Cerveteri, which in the Early Iron Age occupied a plateau of about 160 ha (Guidi, 2008), needed about 40 t of salt per year for human needs alone, ...
Campania is the most populous and most densely populated administrative region of the South of Italy, third at national level in terms of number of inhabitants and second in terms of population density, with a very unbalanced distribution, since highly populated provinces (Naples, Caserta and ...
Indeed, observing the spatial differences in the growth of P2PCS in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, France, Germany, and Belgium, van der Linden (2016) found that population density did not significantly influence the number of shared cars, supporting the hypothesis that P2PCS might be a...
3.2 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2020 est.) country comparison to the world: 36 Population distribution: This entry provides a summary description of the population dispersion within a country. While it may suggest population density, it does not provide density figures. Population distribution fiel...
Basilicata is entirely rural, with a population of 576,194 and a density of 54.7 inhabitants per km². Half of its land is agricultural, and 35% is forested, with a utilized agricultural area (UAA) of approximately 519,000 hectares, 60% of which is arable land (Fig.1c). The region...
Density of practicing dentists in Italy (per 1,000 population) Region with the highest number of people aged over 15 years per dentist in Italy Region with the lowest number of people aged over 3 years per dentist in Italy Oral care products Most used channel to buy oral care products...
The population density in the temporary housing was measured by asking how many people lived in the same household (including the respondent) and dividing this number by the area of the dwelling (m2). For example, if three people lived in a house of 60 m2, then the density was 0.05. Hig...