Book titles are often notated in one of two ways: underlining, or italics. Learn why digital writing typically uses italics, and physical writing... 3. So, bold or italicize your texts in areas which you want to emphasize. 因此,给你想要强调的文字加粗或者加斜体吧。 4. Italicize (or underline) titles of books, plays or feature films; 书籍、戏剧或影片的名字用斜体(或加下划线);©...
Download Article 1 Italicize words you want to give particular emphasis to. In simplest terms, this means that any word you would underline in a handwritten letter to emphasize, or would say more forcefully than others when speaking, you would italicize in a word processing document or on a...
英[ɪˈtælɪsaɪz] v.用斜体书写(或印刷) 网络用斜体字排字;斜体化;用斜体字书写 第三人称单数:italicizes现在分词:italicizing过去式:italicized 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 italicize v. 1. [oftpass] ~ sth 用斜体书写(或印刷)to write or print sth in italics ...