And sometimes it helps to be able to fire a few juicy phrases of your own. Select a letter above to go to the page of Italian swearwords starting with that letter. Subject to revision whenever the mood strikes me. If you have something you’d like to add or suggest or comment on, ...
For foreign words, the article that would occur before an Italian word beginning with the same sound should be used: Page 25 of 61 Example: en-US source Italian target The widget Il widget In determining which article to use, the leading h is usually ignored in Italian. Example: en-US ...
fuktig in Italian: 1. umido Faceva caldo e in più era umido. Il clima è umido. Non ne posso più di questo tempo umido. other words beginning with "F" frånvarande in Italianfrånvaro in Italianfröken in Italianful in Italianfullt med folk in Italianfuska in Italian fuktig...
Nevica sempre qui in inverno. La mia famiglia va a sciare ogni inverno. Quest'anno è un inverno mite, vero? È molto gradevole. Italian word "冬天"(inverno) occurs in sets: Mesi e stagioni in cinese other words beginning with "冬" ...
— modernist, n. — modernistic, adj.See also: Art -Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. modernism - genre of art and literature that makes a self-conscious break with ...
I wonder how – with her meager words, her motionless face – she can have bestowed on him such happy confidence…Michele says it’s always like that: the only thing that can spur a man is love for a woman, the desire to be strong for her, to win her. ...
In addition to expressing the future, this tense in Italian can also express probability; but in English, the words probably, can or must are used. Non vedo Maria da molto tempo. Dove sarà? I haven't seen Maria in a long time. Where could she be? Sarà ammalata o in vacanza. She...
equality /iˈkwɒləti/ n. 平等 bias /ˈbaɪəs/ n. 偏见 unaware /ˌʌnəˈweə(r)/ adj. 未意识到的 05 [5] Gesture is also not sign language. Sign languages have clearly defined words and ...
tigrein English: 1. tiger Tom barely escaped being killed by a tiger. Rather than live a hundred years as a rabbit, live one day as a tiger. Tiger Woods is famous for his skill as a golfer. It was during the ice age that the saber-toothed tiger became extinct. ...
other words beginning with "牛" 牛仔布 in Italian牛仔裤 in Italian牛扒in Italian牛油in Italian牛肉in Italian 牛奶in other dictionaries 牛奶in Arabic牛奶in Czech牛奶in German牛奶in English牛奶in Spanish牛奶in French牛奶in Hindi牛奶in Indonesian牛奶Georgian牛奶in Lithuanian牛奶in Dutch牛奶in Norwegian牛奶...