The translation into the English language of Turpi figure del vizio iz “Disgusting figure of vice”, used for male and female homosexuality. + Uranista archaic term for homosexual in use until the late 19th century. It is a loan word from the German language, Urningtum, created in 1864 ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
I've already called him *once, he is in the bathroom sprucing himself up! I think his friend is coming to pick him up. NOTE Bello/Bella/Belli/Belle is an all-important word that translates both the English "handsom" and "beautiful", so it can be safely applied to both men and women...
She wants her friends to know you. In some dating cultures, it can take you months to meet the friends of your girlfriend, but that is not the case with Italian mail order brides. They will probably insist on you meeting them in the first few weeks of dating and you will need to im...
scimmiotto= small or young money, friend, pal [source] Incidentally, the origins of the English wordmonkeyare uncertain. It may come frommonk, or from Middle Low GermanMoneke, the name of the son of Martin the Ape inReynard the Fox, a collection of medieval Dutch, English, French and ...
Subject to revision whenever the mood strikes me. If you have something you’d like to add or suggest or comment on, gohere(where you can also see what others have suggested). Most of this usage isnotfor polite company. Formilder slang and idiom, see this page. ...
ENGLISH Italian F is for ... INGLESE Italiano il viso FACTORY la fabbrica FALL l'autunno la famiglia FAN il ventilatore primo il pesce FIVE cinque la bandiera FLAME la fiamma il fenicottero la torcia il fiore il flauto la mosca FLY ...
While I consider myself something of a wordsmith, I am not great with word oriented tasks such as word scrambles and crossword puzzles. However, my brilliant friend and her sister made a crossword puzzle that I can actually do, which I have to say, is something in and of itself. Also...
Two notable celebrations of the season, Easter and Passover, are concurrent this year. It’s no coincidence that the Italian word for Easter (pasqua) and the Hebrew word for Passover (pesach) are closely related, although culinarily the holidays couldn’t be more disparate. During this time ...
I have made several errors in my attempts to speak italian in Italy but one of my more glaring boo-boos was the time that I was trying to explain to my Italian relatives that in America we put preservatives in wine while in Italy they do not. I did not know the word for preservativ...