For foreign words, the article that would occur before an Italian word beginning with the same sound should be used: Page 25 of 61 Example: en-US source Italian target The widget Il widget In determining which article to use, the leading h is usually ignored in Italian. Example: en-US ...
A1 - Beginning Italian • tenses moods voices Adverbs Negative Adverbs Negative adverbs turn affirmative statements and questions into negative statements and questions. The most common English negative adverb is the word "not," and the Italian equivalent is non. To make a statement or question...
“e” is pronounced like a “ch,”“g” before an “i” or “e” is pronounced like the g in “general,”“h” is always silent, “r” is almost always rolled and “z” is pronounced like the “ds” in “lads” at the beginning of the sentence, and like the “ts” in sets...
Togli la pizza dal forno. Dov'è il tuo forno? Questo odore potrebbe venire dal forno! Metti la pentola nel forno. Italian word "烤箱"(forno) occurs in sets:Elettrodomestici in cineseArredamenti in cinese用意大利语介绍 家用设备 other words beginning with "烤" 烤架in Italian烤面包 in...
They couldn't say a word. And I said, "Hmm. That's odd." 可是我开始用意大利语和他们聊天时,却发现他们他们什么都说不出来。这时我会说,“嗯,这真奇怪。” And then they would always carry on praising Italy in Italy for which I was very proud. 然后他们通常会赞美意大利,这点让我很自豪。
La scuola ci fornirà le tende. Italian word "窗帘"(tende) occurs in sets: Vocabolario della camera da letto in cinese Vocabolario del soggiorno in cinese other words beginning with "窗" 窗口in Italian 窗台in Italian 窗帘in other dictionaries ...
In the Italian American Kitchen not only does food begin and end the day, food marks the beginning, the middle and the end of life. Food is the ceremonial sacrament in the liturgy of life's transitions. Food surrounds and anchors the rituals that mark the passage from birth to childhood,...
For instance: “Sbagliare” significa “to make a mistake,” ma non esiste la parola “bagliare.” “Sbagliare” means “to make a mistake,” but there’s no word “bagliare.” “Semplice” significa “simple,” ma “emplice” non esiste. “Semplice” means “simple,” yet “e...
Spreading the word - Promoting your publication Submit manuscript Aims and scope The Italian Journal of Pediatrics includes all aspects of pediatric medicine and also covers health service and public health research that addresses primary care issues. The journal provides a high-quality forum for pediat...
Cucinò al forno tre torte. Togli la pizza dal forno. Dov'è il tuo forno? Questo odore potrebbe venire dal forno! Metti la pentola nel forno. Italian word "forno"(forno) occurs in sets: Eletrodomésticos em italiano