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Renfe has entered into a strategic partnership that will help the company expand into the Italian market. Renfe Proyectos Internacionales has acquired a 33% stake in the capital of Longitude Holding, a private Italian company operating under the trade name Arenaways. The first project will be the...
Italian Republic (1945-1954) Medium Tank – Several Dozen Operated After the Second World War, the Italian medium tanks, known as carri armati M (English: M tanks), that were still around all over the Italian peninsula were put into service with the newly formed Esercito Italiano (English: ...
ICTPisgoverned byatripartite agreement signedby theInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UNESCO andtheItalianGovernment and ratifiedby the ItalianParliament. 该中心 的地位由国际原子能机构、教科文组织和意大利政府签署的三方协定决定,该协定已经意大利议会批准。
The debate on this topic is still open in other countries, and only in some eastern European countries such as Romania [12] or Bulgaria [13], there are no measures to reduce the use of coal to date. Keeping in mind the greenhouse gas emission targets and environmental issues, it is ...