Our free Italian-Romanian dictionary is provided by Wiktionary™ and world star major dictionaires. You can use our Italian-Romanian translator, Romanian-Italian translator, Italian spell checker, Romanian spell checker and Italian keyboard.
Italian to English and English to Italian Dictionary The Italian to English Dictionary app brings you the meanings of Italian words in English as well as the E…
Italian translation of Yiddish words and example sentencesOur free Yiddish-Italian dictionary is provided by Wiktionary™ and world star major dictionaires. You can use our Yiddish-Italian translator, Italian-Yiddish translator, Yiddish spell checker, Italian spell checker and Italian keyboard. ...
While the dictionary tries to provide results in the opposite direction from English to Italian, we recommend selecting the appropriate direction for more accurate results.The translations are grouped by parts of speech, and at the end of the line, if we have data on it, we indicate the ...
defining a parameter dictionary, investigating and testing the use of XML to tag oceanographic [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 在会上,与会者讨论了他们 各自国家 XML 的发展情况,为会议间隔期间的工作制定了一个行动计划,包括:编写一 本参 数词典,调查与试验 XML 的使用情况,以便为海洋点数据做上标记,建...
Easily learn Italian & English with Italian English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The Italian English Dictionar…
Czech Italian Dictionary T to Czech Italian Dictionary- to in Italian: 1. esso Un matematico è un uomo che non comprende solo il pensiero che gli viene esposto, ma che vede anche su quale errore di ragionamento esso è fondato. other words beginning with "T" tlumočník in Italian...
Italian to English online bilingual dictionary.
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Italian and Italian culture. Start speaking Italian in minutes with audio and video lessons, audio dictionary, and learning community!
Italian <> English online translation. Italian <> English dictionary, monolingual Italian dictionary and other resources for the Italian language.