WW2 Italian Tanks Carro Armato M13/40 Kingdom of Italy (1940-At Least 1954) Medium Tank – 710 Built The Carro Armato M13/40 was an Italian medium tank used with mixed results by the Italian Regio Esercito (English: Royal Army) from 1940 to 1943 in North Africa, the Balkans, and the...
The “Motozzattere”, the Italian Landing Crafts of WW2 byGiulio PoggiaroniMarch 28, 2024 In January 1942, when plans for the invasion of Malta (Operation C3) were beginning to… Articles The Battle of Crete and the Italian Participation ...
WW2 Italian Vehicles in Foreign Service FIAT 3000 in Danish Service Kingdom of Denmark (1928-1929) Light Tank – 1 Purchased As a neutral bystander, the Danish Army had no hands-on experience with the introduction of the tank on the battlefields in the First World War. This did not mean ...
During the last year of war in Northern Italy, the ANR had the only Axis aircraft flying in the region. During the period it flew Macchis, the Iº Gruppo Caccia claimed 100 Allied aircraft with the same number of losses. It downed more aircraft than any other Italian unit of its size...
the armored tank. Join a battalion with three other players and crew realistic steel beasts as the driver, gunner, or commander. Every vehicle in Squad 44 has been painstakingly created to represent the real tanks that roamed the battlefields of 1940s Europe. Each one features authentic functiona...
Italian Republic (1945-1954) Medium Tank – Several Dozen Operated After the Second World War, the Italian medium tanks, known as carri armati M (English: M tanks), that were still around all over the Italian peninsula were put into service with the newly formed Esercito Italiano (English: ...