verboten trait: foreignness, daring to infiltrate the clean-cut expanses of the traditional Western, with its mighty Aryan heroes reforming the prairies, with insidious baroque and lips that refused to quite curl in
Definite Articles with Names Definite articles are used with the last names of famous people: Il Petrarca Il Manzoni Il Manfredi La Garbo La Loren With all surnames in the plural: I Visconti Gli Strozzi I Versace Often with nicknames and pseudonyms: Il Griso Il Canaletto Il Caravaggio With pro...
Each reference must be cited in the text using the surnames of the authors (if more than two authors, simply provide the last name of the first author with "et al.") and the year of publication. References cited together should be arranged chronologically, most recent first: for example (...
At the beginning of a direct speech If a sentence begins with an ellipsis (...), then usually the examples described above begin with lowercase, except when the first word is a proper name. Those instances still require the use of the uppercase. Similarly (but more in terms of a typogra...